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Greater Houston Partnership Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Argonne National Laboratory

Published Mar 19, 2024 by Lou Ann Duvall

Houston Energy Transition Initiative HETI Argonne National Labs Signing MOU

(HOUSTON) – The Greater Houston Partnership, through its Houston Energy Transition Initiative (HETI), 和阿贡国家实验室签署了一份谅解备忘录(MOU),以利用休斯顿的顶级研究机构, energy and industrial leadership, infrastructure, 以及技术专长,以促进皇冠HGA010官方下载转型商业规模解决方案的发展.

This partnership aims to enable greater collaboration across academia, local industry (existing and startup), private investors and government to accelerate the translation, 对实现气候和经济发展目标所必需的突破性碳减排技术进行评估和预商业化. The MOU will enable Houston to capitalize on its nascent, but fast-growing, 皇冠HGA010官方下载创新生态系统,并通过创建卓越的脱碳中心来刺激基于地方的创新和商业化.

“The U.S. Department of Energy’s national laboratories have long been the backbone of research, development, and demonstration for the energy sector. The Partnership and HETI, working with our industry members, business community and top research and academic institutions, in collaboration with Argonne, will work across our energy innovation ecosystem to drive this critical effort for our region,” said Bobby Tudor, CEO of Artemis Energy Partners and Chair of HETI. “休斯顿的卓越脱碳中心是该地区推进关键皇冠HGA010官方下载转型技术以减轻气候变化相关风险的协调方法中缺失的一环, while also promoting economic growth and job creation for the region.”

Achieving a net-zero emissions economy by 2050 will require carbon management at scale, 既要减少难以脱碳部门的温室气体排放,又要清除大气中已经存在的二氧化碳. Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act, the U.S. is making unprecedented investments in carbon management R&D to de-risk technologies needed in the short term, invent the technologies needed in the medium term, 并发现从长远来看会带来革命性技术的基本现象.

“Partnerships are essential to realizing net zero goals,” said Argonne Director Paul Kearns. “Hga010皇冠软件下载很高兴扩大皇冠HGA010官方下载部国家实验室的专业知识,并与HETI合作,集中该地区可观的皇冠HGA010官方下载和工业资产, infrastructure, and talent on broad commercial deployment of needed technologies.”

Learn how the Houston Energy Transition Initiative (HETI) is leading the energy transition.

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Companies Investing in Houston's Energy Workforce

As Houston continues to lead the energy transition, 大公司正在进行重大投资,以确保该地区的劳动力具备未来的技能. Key industry players ExxonMobil and Bechtel have recently announced initiatives, 展示他们的承诺,准备和授权下一代皇冠HGA010官方下载专业人士. ExxonMobil's Commitment to STEM Education 埃克森美孚基金会最近为可汗学院的门户开放项目捐赠了1700万美元. 这项计划将允许可汗学院为3至12年级的学生提供免费的德州标准数学和科学课程,并为新课程提供教师指导.  The collaboration with Khan Academy will enhance STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning opportunities, 确保学生具备从事皇冠HGA010官方下载行业及其他行业所需的基础知识和技能.  Bechtel's Construction Career Pathways Bechtel, a global leader in engineering, construction, and project management, is also making significant strides in workforce development. 该公司最近宣布,将为荷兰高中和亚瑟港纪念高中管道工和焊接职业与技术教育(CTE)课程的15名毕业生提供建筑职业. The students received hands-on experience and training through the program, 使他们能够成功地进入亚瑟港液化天然气(LNG)一期项目现场的职业生涯.  “Hga010皇冠软件下载很高兴为这些学生提供工作,他们已经获得了完成课程所需的经验,并开始成为熟练的工艺专业人员,” said Kane McIntosh, Port Arthur LNG Project Manager at Bechtel. 森普拉基础设施和柏克德致力于支持亚瑟港和德克萨斯州东南部, 其中包括培训下一代工人,他们将交付像亚瑟港液化天然气一期这样的大型项目.” Shaping the Future of Energy 埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)和柏克德(Bechtel)的投资对于确保休斯顿保持全球皇冠HGA010官方下载行业的领先地位至关重要. By focusing on education and career development, 这些公司正在促进皇冠HGA010官方下载领域的创新和可持续增长,同时满足当前和未来的劳动力需求. Learn more about the region's energy industry and workforce development programs.  
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Aerospace & Aviation

Hydrogen Fuel Experiment to Take Off at IAH

乔治布什洲际机场(IAH)被选为空中客车公司研究建立氢枢纽可行性的北美五个地点之一.   这家欧洲跨国航空航天公司正在与休斯顿未来中心(CHF)和休斯顿机场系统合作,研究为机场配备支持飞机氢燃料的基础设施的可行性. The analysis, expected to conclude in March 2025, will focus on identifying potential opportunities and barriers to hydrogen usage at airports, as well as defining the requirements for an ‘end-to-end' hydrogen supply chain, 空客正在努力实现到2035年让氢燃料商用飞机投入运营并载客的目标.  “Building airplanes which run on clean hydrogen may take some time, but we can begin today by looking at how we can use clean hydrogen in airport operations, such as ground equipment and public transportation so we can be ready for the future,” CHF CEO Brett Perlman said.  The airline industry is increasingly investing in sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), 一种由非石油原料制成的替代燃料,可减少航空运输的排放,达到净零碳目标.  According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 航空业占全球二氧化碳总排放量的2%,占交通运输业二氧化碳总排放量的12%. This collaborative effort can help accelerate SAF technology and adoption.  “As we continue to expand and modernize our facilities, participating in this sustainability study is crucial,” said Jim Szczesniak, Aviation Director for the City of Houston. “Continuing to build a sustainable airport system will ensure a healthy future for Houston, attract top talent and businesses, and demonstrate our commitment to being a responsible global citizen.”  在空中客车宣布这一消息之前,最近成立了可持续航空燃料联盟, a nonprofit made up of key airlines, 制造商和贸易团体推动低碳燃料的发展,减少行业排放. 该组织还将倡导联邦政策,支持建立一个价格更低、供应更充足的强劲国内市场. Coalition members with a strong Houston presence include United Airlines, the Boeing Company and Sumitomo Corporation of Americas.  Other SAF developments include an agreement between United and Cemvita Corporation, 这家总部位于休斯顿的清洁技术初创公司专注于应用合成生物学来实现可持续的皇冠HGA010官方下载转型, 在未来的20年里,从他们的第一个全面的SAF工厂为航空公司提供高达10亿加仑的可持续航空燃料.   Learn how the Energy Capital of the World is leading the energy transition to a low-carbon, energy-abundant future. 
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